Monday, September 24, 2007

The battles faced at work

Over the past few weeks, God has really been working on my heart towards the people that I work with. He has been stretching me and testing me in ways that I never really had put much thought into. We recently hired some new people in my department, one of which is a christian. I have been in a few situations where I see how this person reacts or responds to different things that have to do with training for his job. The reaction that i saw in this person was a bit shocking and I started to take offense to it, the other people in the office were also a bit shocked. It bothered me because in my mind I thought he should react one way and he didn't. I felt that I was right and he was in the wrong. It's something that I have truly struggled with over the past few weeks, but then someone brought up a good point and it really hit home. They said Heather don't let his sin cause you to sin also. By him reacting the way that he did, it caused me to be bitter and basically have not held him in high regards. I know that is not healthy or the way that God wants us to treat others around us, especially someone who is a brother or sister in the Lord. It was rather convicting because I wonder how many times I have been in that same situation and never thought twice about it. It also helped soften my heart towards him and to realize that no matter what that person says or does, or whether they are christians or not that we are called to love one another. God showed me a verse that I have heard many a times....But seemed to hit me more then ever before.

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35

It was challenging to me because I don't know that I was showing love towards this person. And that is a clear way that God tells us they will know we are his disciples...if we love.


Starrs In Denver said...

I totally can relate! Thanks for sharing Heather. I pray that God will continue to give you love for those who are not so easy to love!

Anonymous said...

I to can relate to your stiuation of working with not so lovable people. Press on and share God's love to them!! :)

onHISturf - dvp said...

hi heather,

hang in there, gotta love our 'enemies' also. i think some cool guy with a ring around his head and who glows said that (matt 5.44).

onHISturf - dvp said...

ps - say hi to your bros, sis and parents for us.
