Thursday, November 30, 2006

Just in case.

If you were ever thinking about becoming a turf manager I just wanted you to know that you can now take a class at MSJC titled "turf managment." this could be interesting. I mean there are many types of grass. Real, fake, spray on grass and you can't forget good ol' astro turf. Maybe this would be a good job. Who knows, but if you had the need to know about turf managment but could never find where to find the class so that you could fullfill your life long dream, have no worries and look no further then the MSJC catalog of classes.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Why is it that whomever or whenver I e-mail people they never feel the need to e-mail back. It's not like I'm writing just a bunch of statements. I know that there are sentences with question marks on the end of them, which in my mind requires a response. I don't know, maybe I'm going crazy and this is how it works now. I just would like to know that they are still alive and breathing. Is that too much to ask? All I know is that most of my friends that I e-mail don't respond, however I beleive that if I had a myspace they would be more than happy to respond. Because they check their myspace every five minutes. But since I strongly dislike myspace and have vowed never to have one this problem will never be solved. I guess I will continue to e-mail and get no responses. It's kinda like talking to myself, I guess that could be fun...

Monday, November 27, 2006

What are you thankful for this year

I wanted to post some of the things that I am thankful for in my life this year. God has blessed me above and beyond what I ever could deserve but becuase He is a loving and gracious God He pours out his blessings upon each of us in so many ways. Her are just a few of mine.

I'm Thankful this year for:

  • My relationship with the Lord
  • My Family
  • My health
  • My Sunday night Bible study
  • The friends that God has blessed me with
  • The trials that He has put in my life (they make us who we are today)
  • another day of life
  • my job
  • a roof over my head

and so, so so, many more. if you want to share some of the things that you are thankful for this year go ahead and leave them in the comments so we can all celebrate a thankful heart to our loving Heavenly Father!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Don't forget to call your mama...

This is a piece of advice you should always remember if you are a girl and still living at home. This is why: On Sunday nights I have the college group that I go to Kaleo, after study there is usually a small group of people that go out to Denny's to hang out and eat. I like to go and fellowship so I usually call mama and ask if it's ok if I can go. She always says yes but that I have to call her when I leave because that way she knows how long it should be before I get home. And I always do that even though I wake her up when I call and sometimes she's not the happiest when I wake her up, but I know that if I don't call I would be in big trouble. And I usually leave Denny's to be home by 11:30pm because I have to work the next morning. Well, this past Sunday we didn't even get to Denny's until about 10:15 so I wasn't really watching the clock. Well by about 11:40 i finally hear my phone ringing and it's good ol' mama (really mad) and she asks where I am? I tell her I'm at Denny's and she says I'm out on the freeway because you never called me at 11:30 and I thought something happened. So she says you need to leave soon. I'm truning around and going home. I beg for forgivness and ask for my check so I can pay and go. Needless to say about 2 minutes later I see a silver Dodge Durango slowly pass by Denny's and I was like "I am so dead it's not even funny." In the end everything worked out and I just begged for forgivness and told mama it would never ever happen again. And by the time we went to bed we had worked everything out. The moral of this story "Call your mama she worries"

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Colorado or bust!

I'm so excited I get to go on a road trip starting the first week of Decmeber! Me and my sis are driving out to Colorado together and we are going to find her and Ryan an apartment. I'm just so excited because I haven't been on a road trip in a long time. And the fact that I'm going to be able to see beautiful CO. for the first time and see where they are going to be living. Can't wait!!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

strange i know

So I have decided to start a log of all the fun words that I hear people make up as they are talking. The first word of the oh so many more that are to come-

Laterwards= a combination of later and afterwards.

And if any of you can't guess who said this, yes it was none other then Aubrey Brown.

Thanks for all the great laughs girl.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

3 days 60 miles: here is our journey

These are just some of the pictures that we took this weekend. Pretty much the highlights of the weekend

Pardon my French

My great grandma lives here in Murrieta and no longer is able to drive (thank goodness for that though!) So either Tony, Courtney or I usually take her out once a week to go to the bank do some grocery shopping and pick up medicine from Target. Monday was my day to have the honor of doing this. Well, as we are driving first of all she tells you exactly what way to get to the bank and which lane to drive in and when to turn on your blinker but it's ok because that's kind of her way of being able to drive and I figure if that makes her happy then why not allow that. So anyways, she doesn't like traffic AT ALL. As we are driving she's looking at all the cars and looks at me with a little grin on her face and says "Heather, I hate all these cars, all I want to do is go to the bank and we have to go through all this (pardon my french) CRAP!"I don't know why I find this so funny, but there is something entertaining about a 80 something year old grandma saying "crap".... Love you Grandma!

Monday, November 13, 2006

I've never felt the urge to cut off my feet before....

But this weekend I did feel that urge, quite a few times actually. See, like I had said before I along with my sister were walking in the 3 day 60 mile walk to help fund research for breast cancer. So that's what we did this past weekend. The first day was great! 20 miles? No big thing right? well by day two each step we took felt like a mile long. day two and three we took our sweet time. No rush to get these miles finished, we had all day to get it done. We slept in tents at the most beautiful place in San Diego right on the water Crown Point. It was absolutley gorgeous when the sun rose each morning. I believe I went to bed the earliest I ever have this weekend. I think it was around 7:15! It felt so nice though. Overall it was a great weekend with my sister. I'm still in pain today I have blisters the size of my toes and my ankle is twice the size is should be (AKA cankles) and my knees are creaking... But every step was worth it! There were about 5600 people that walked it and in total with everyones pledges combined we raised 11.3 million dollars! Thanks for all the prayers and support this past weekend!Pictures to come when they are developed...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The 3 day starts

Please remember to pray for me and my sister as this weekend we will be walking a total of 60 miles! We have to be down in San Diego tommorrow morning at 4:30 am. We walk about 20 miles each day. It's a long walk but goes to support a great cause. Helping support funding for reasearch and treatements for breast cancer! Thank you to all who have helped support us financially! It has been a total blessing! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Cute shoes= pain to the feet

On Monday I had an event that I was going to where I needed some shoes to wear with the new outfit that I had bought to wear, well I had my eye on these shoes for quite some time and decided that this would be the perfect time to purchase them because I actually had a reason to buy them and somwhere to wear them to. So I go in and purchase these shoes ( they were black peek-a-boo toe wedges) get in the car and put them on so I can get going to the event. Then as i'm getting out of the car to walk in. I realize these shoes aren't so comfortable, ouch, they are pinching my toes in the front, and my heel keeps on popping out of the back of them. But I just keep telling myself "they are cute though, they are cute though." Needless to say that by the end of the day the circulation in my toes was being cut off and my big toe was turning blue. ( not a good thing by the way) So I have come to the conclusion that I have inherited a disease from my mother that I have entitled " My feet can only wear birkenstocks or rainbow sandals." But I think I'm ok with it because i enjoy walking more when you can feel your feet and you have blood flow to them. I feel sorry for all those girls who daily wear uncomfortable shoes for the sake of having their feet "look cute.". It's just not worth it to me.

Monday, November 06, 2006

This guy is amazing!

Last night I went to a Jars of Clay concert and this guy opened for them. He's great! You should listen to his music at

Friday, November 03, 2006

Sad day or happy day? You decide....

So yesterday we got the news. What news you ask? Well, the news that your brother in law just got a job offer in Denver and he is leaving on Nov. 27th and that your sister is obviously leaving with him... I'm Extremely excited for them and that God has opened up the door for them to go. But also incredibly sad for the fact that my family are my best friends. And my best friends are leaving me. What do you do when your best friends move away? I don't know yet. It will be fun to go visit them, that is unless of course we don't end up moving out there( which in time I'm sure will happen) Anyways, that's my news. You tell me If that's a sad day or a happy day.. Starr's looks like your gonna have some new neighbors!