Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Moral of this with your headlights on at night.

So yesterday I was supposed to work at Gap from 3-9:30. But I didn't know that so they called me and said "where are you." So I was out in Temecula with my mom and so she just dropped me off at work, thus leaving me with no car to get home. So my brother was gonna pick me up. So anyways, we just got a new car (2006 dodge durango) so he drove that to pick me up. Well were turning onto Winchester from the mall and all of a sudden we see those lovely red and blue lights flashing in the window. So my brother pulls over and Mr policeman gets out of his cruiser and shines that oh so wonderful flashlight in your face and very sternly asks for your license, registration and insurance. So me and Tony are franticlly searching for all this paperwork in this brand new car and we don't know where anything is. So we finally find it and Mr. Policeman is back at his car writing down all the info and me and Tony are left in the car trying to figure out exactly why he got pulled over. I mean Tony is Mr.rule follower. So then Mr. policman walks over to the window and says "Well, Anthony I just want you to know that you are getting a ticket because it is against the law to drive without your headlights on at night." We both just kinda gave out a lil chuckle because what kind of person drives at 9:30 at night without their headlights on? I've decided it could only be a stupid person that would be able to pull that one off. So I want this to go down on the record that the first time that Tony Schaffner was pulled over and his very first ticket was due to the fact that he was driving without his headlights on when it was dark.

Monday, September 25, 2006


This weekend I went to Disneyland with my 2 brothers. Ryan is getting ready to leave for Oxford tonight so he wanted to go one last time before he left. It was a blast and no too crowded for a Saturday! The longest line that we waited in was under an hour. I have decided however that the prices of food there is outrageous! But definitly worth the time that I got to spend with my brothers. Here's a picture of me and Ryan in the buzz lightyear ride. Obviously as you can see, he whooped my butt in this one! There will be more pictures to come.

Friday, September 22, 2006

The changing of seasons.

Although I live in sunny southern California, I myself would like to think that we have season changes. However I have also come to the realization that we really usually only have 2 seasons. Stinkin' hot and then we have kinda cold with some rain. Don't get me wrong, I love the hot weather and swimming and spending time at the beach and I also love the cold weather, and rain. Having to use umbrella's and dodging puddles. But, leave it to me to absolutely love the only season that we don't really get here in southern California: Fall. I love the feel of the air, that crisp, clean, fresh air. And I absolutley love wearing sweaters! I remember living in Washington for a few months in Jr High and we would go into Spokane and into the border if Idaho and all the trees that lined the streets would be changing colors. It was amazing to see God's creation and how it changes from month to month. God is an amazing God! All that to say, that today when I woke up I looked outside and it was cloudy and overcast. And it reminded me of fall weather. Who knows maybe today will be the only day that we get that is remotely close to fall! But I will surely enjoy it while I can.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Trivia Impossible??

Q :According to glamour magazine what is one gift that men secretly want?
A: A leather jacket

That was the trivia impossible question for the morning that I answered correctly ( thanks to the pure goodness of google) to win tickets to see Pat Benatar, Neil Giraldo and George Thorogood. That was my excitment for the day!

Friday, September 15, 2006

I do not like being sick.

I do not like being sick that's right it's true
I do not like being sick and laying bed
I do not like being sick because then I feel like I could be dead
I do not like being sick when it's hot
I do not like being sick because I just would rather not.

So I had three days off this past week not because I was doing something fun or even adventerous but because I could hold nothing down. Not even water. It wasn't fun at all, at those moments I feel like I would rather shoot myself in the head then throw up one more time. Needless to say, I'm better now and hope that the next time I get to take time off from work it's because I'm doing something fun, not being sick!

Monday, September 11, 2006

oh the joys of the fair.

So yesterday I had the joy of going to the fair in LA with Bryan Thrane and his family. I had never been to the fair before so there was oh so much to see and do. When we first got there it was a wee bit warm so we decided to head for the indoor shopping area. Which was perfect because it was nice and cool in there. In one of the buildings there was a ice skating rink! It was so cool. Then we headed over to the baby animal barn. Seeing the little piglets and baby lambs was so much fun, they were so tiny and cute.

Then Bryan told me that you cannot go to the fair and not try a deep fried snickers or deep fried twinkie. For those of you have never seen or tried this amazing creation it looks like a corn dog with powdered sugar on it, but way better tasting then a corndog. It's crazy sweet though. But I would reccomend to anyone that ever goes to the fair to try one because the truth is, you can't say that you have been to the fair and had a true fair experiance unless you have tried one of these. Don't you ever wonder who it was that thought of deep frying a twinkie or snickers?

We also went on a few rides, which was fun but kinda scary all at the same time. Not scary because they were too fast or went up to high. But more because it's never a good feeling when your about 3 stories in the air hanging upside down to hear the ride that you're on creaking and making noises. Just not real re-assuring. But as you can tell I made it off alive!

Then at night we went to a Montgomery Gentry concert. Which was also fun and very entertaining. I don't really know how to put it any other way besides very entertaining!

So that was my first fair experiance. I would have to say, it was a lot of fun. And would definitly go to the fair again. Just remember about that deep fried snickers!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Good News from friends

I love hearing about different stuff that goes on in my friends lives. Especially when it's potentialy really really good news. I got an e-mail from one of my friends last night and it had some good news in it! I just have the biggest smile on my face right now that my face is starting to hurt. It brings me such joy when you see something unfold that someone has waited a long time for! I was blessed to hear of the news and can't wait to see all that God does in her life!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Earnestly Seek Him.

As I was reading this morning God led me to this verse.

"O God you are my God; Earnestly I seek you; My soul thists for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So have I looked upon you in the sanctuary. Beholding your power and glory. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; In your name I will lift up my hands."

Psalm 63:1-4

When I read this verse God just really spoke to me, to really think about if this was true and evident in my life. I mean do I really earnestly seek Him. I looked up earnestly and this is what I found:
serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely zealous: an earnest worker.
showing depth and sincerity of feeling: earnest words; an earnest entreaty.
seriously important; demanding or receiving serious attention.

Is that really and truly how I view my relationship with Him? It was just an eye opener and a encouragment to pursue to have that and to take my relationship with my Savior as a serious thing.

Friday, September 01, 2006

my past three days...

So these past three days I was up at camp for CCCS. I was helping out with the Jr Highers. That age is very interesting, although they can be loud and abnoxious at times, they generally are pretty cool. All I can say is that the boys needed to shower more and the girls needed to quit putting layers upon layers of makeup without ever washing any of it off of their faces. But I really did have a blast with them! I mean besides of course the time that we lost one girl from my cabin and another girl from Jaqueline's cabin for a couple of hours. But they were found that's all that matters... Right??? Anyways , It is definitly something I would love to do again!
There was also a huge fire pretty close to where the camp was so they weren't letting anyone up or down the mountain. So we ended up having to have a police escort down the hill. How exciting is that?

But then when I finally get down the mountain I have this message from my brother and he tells me that he went out and bought a new mac laptop so I get his old one (which in reality isn't really all that old.) and not only that but I got a free ipod nano! Yeah that's right. I kept telling myself I would never buy one of those because it was so expensive, but I ended up getting it for free! So I now have obtained a mac laptop and an ipod all in the same day and didn't have to pay for any of it! That's the kind of shopping I like.