Friday, September 01, 2006

my past three days...

So these past three days I was up at camp for CCCS. I was helping out with the Jr Highers. That age is very interesting, although they can be loud and abnoxious at times, they generally are pretty cool. All I can say is that the boys needed to shower more and the girls needed to quit putting layers upon layers of makeup without ever washing any of it off of their faces. But I really did have a blast with them! I mean besides of course the time that we lost one girl from my cabin and another girl from Jaqueline's cabin for a couple of hours. But they were found that's all that matters... Right??? Anyways , It is definitly something I would love to do again!
There was also a huge fire pretty close to where the camp was so they weren't letting anyone up or down the mountain. So we ended up having to have a police escort down the hill. How exciting is that?

But then when I finally get down the mountain I have this message from my brother and he tells me that he went out and bought a new mac laptop so I get his old one (which in reality isn't really all that old.) and not only that but I got a free ipod nano! Yeah that's right. I kept telling myself I would never buy one of those because it was so expensive, but I ended up getting it for free! So I now have obtained a mac laptop and an ipod all in the same day and didn't have to pay for any of it! That's the kind of shopping I like.


Cortney Salagi said...

That's so cool, Heather! When you start getting too much free stuff feel free to send some my way! Hehe! J/k!

Starrs In Denver said...

We love our Macs! Desi has a laptop and I have a beautiful desktop. My true love bought me a refurbished Ipod too! It's so fun...I download these free stories and the kids love to listen in the van with our tape deck converter thingie. How fun. I am happy for you and good on your brother. I hope my kids are friends some day :)