Thursday, May 31, 2007


Over this past week me and my mom got to go and visit my sister and brother in law out in parker. We drove back there to take them there dog but realized after leaving him alone for 8 hours one day and him digging out of the backyard and hanging out in the neighborhood, he was getting lonely. So we actually ended up taking the dog back with us. Just a side note: Dogs on roadtrips are not a good idea. What should be a 14-15 hour drive for 2 adults now becomes 17-18. Anyways, we had a blast and I actually got to see more of Colorado this time then I did last time. We drove up to Golden and Breckenridge, we walked around downtown Denver and went to church there, then we also went to Boulder for the BolderBoulder 10k (which is 6.2 miles) I actually finished the race (I was kind of shocked, i've never ran for that long before and I wasn't sure if I would be able to with the altitude) but I finished and it was a blast! I would love to do it again next year. Overall, this trip was a good time to see family and just enjoy our time together. We are actually planning on going back in mid June with my dad. So that should be fun! And we are leaving the dog at home. Here are a few pics. These ones are from my digital camera, I haven't developed the ones from my 35mm. So when I get those I will post them.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Honoring Mom

In celebration of Mother's day I decided that it would be a good thing to write about well, mom!

Looking back over this past year, my mom along with my family have gone through an incredible journey. As many of you know, last year she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I remember hearing those words and having that insecurity of what was going to happen. Over this past year mom has gone through several surgeries, Chemo and is still having treatments once a week that last until the end of summer sometime. But one thing that did not alter was her strength and willingness to endure that which God was putting her through. No matter what she had to go through she proved to be what I believe as one of the strongest women I have ever known. Me and my sister were asked continually how my mom was taking everything that she was going through. Our answer was always, She has the best attitude I have ever seen! Because she truly did. We both agreed that we weren't sure we could have kept the kind of attitude that she did through this whole thing. So now that she is done with almost all her surgeries and treatments, overall this past year has brought a lot of new challenges but it has also brought a lot of strength to our family. I know that God had a purpose for bringing this into our lives and I know that he will continue to use my mom to encourage other women around her that are going through what she has gone through. I thank God every day for giving me another day, month or year with my mom. I realize now more than ever how much I took her for granted. I pray that God would give her strength as another year lies ahead of her. Mom, I love you with all of my heart! Here are a few pictures from over the past year.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Tag! I'm it now.

So apparently I have been tagged by Rose Starr, and this is what I have to do:
I write 10 facts and/or habits about me.-
I’ll tag 10 people (well less than that because Rose tagged everyone that I know on Blogger )
If you’ve been tagged, you do your own list and tag 10 more people(or whatever you can).
And no tag backs allowed. Enjoy and have fun with it!

1) I pretty much wear flip flops (rainbows to be exact) all year long. It's the benefit of living in southern California. Shoes and socks are a pet peeve of mine and I can't stand them. It makes my feet feel like they can't breath.

2)My family is the best thing in the whole entire world! I treasure them like nothing else. They are my best friends, give the best advice, I laugh the most when I am with them, and they don't come and go as they please. They stick by you. They are who I am most relaxed with and I can be myself. There's nothing greater than a wonderful family!

3)I was born at home on accident in Lake Elsinore in the grove (I know you all can be jealous of me) I came so quick that nobody had planned this one. My dad delivered me and then the fire dept. came. ( i actually didn't have a birth cert. until I was 16 and needed to get a passport to go on a mission trip to Ukraine.) I'm now legally born just so you know. :)

4)The thing that I have wanted to do for the longest time is go to the Bible College in York England. Don't know if it will ever happen but it has been what I want to do for a really long time! It would be wonderful!

5)One of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when people leave their blinkers on even after they have turned or have already changed lanes like 5 minutes ago. It drives me nuts!

6)I once almost lost my index finger when I was about 5. We were supposed to go white water rafting in OR. and I went to use the outhouse before we left, and I stuck my finger where the hinges are on the door and it sliced it almost off. I had to have stitches to get it put back on. Fun times!

7)I absolutley love road trips to anywhere! and having them not planned at all. Have a destination and just start driving. We did a lot of these growing up. Mostly trips to OR. and WA. the best ones were when we had our OLD ugly green and white 70's chevy van. Good memories with the fam!

8)One thing that you will NEVER catch me doing is changing lanes in the middle of an intersection. That's one thing that I learned in behind the wheel and Drivers Ed. that will stick with me for the rest of my life.

9)All growing up we had cats all the time. At least three or four of them. And we always named them very interesting names, Such as Mama Kitty, Yoda, Mr. Hoppity (aka Fatso) Casanova. But anyways, I could be around cats and have no problem, now I'm allergic to them. Don't know what happened.

10)I love traveling! I haven't gone very many places but I hope that changes. I've only been out of the country to Ukraine, Mexico and Canada (except when you live in the states the last 2 don't really count) and I have been to Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Tennessee. I think that's it. My dream places to go would be anywhere in Europe and Someday New York!

Well, that was fun! Now it's your turn. I tag the following people:

Cortney Salagi
Ashley VandenRaadt
Shannon Starr
I think that's all I can come up with....Well have fun!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

I love deals....

I was recently out shopping with my mom, not really planning on buying anything but then I came across a treasure and I just couldn't resist. It was a t-shirt at Old Navy for $5...Not only was it five dollars but this is what was on the front of it. How can you pass up an oppurtunity to buy a shirt with 2 ladies from the 1800's boxing??? You can't. Ryan this ones for you!