Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Honoring Mom

In celebration of Mother's day I decided that it would be a good thing to write about well, mom!

Looking back over this past year, my mom along with my family have gone through an incredible journey. As many of you know, last year she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I remember hearing those words and having that insecurity of what was going to happen. Over this past year mom has gone through several surgeries, Chemo and is still having treatments once a week that last until the end of summer sometime. But one thing that did not alter was her strength and willingness to endure that which God was putting her through. No matter what she had to go through she proved to be what I believe as one of the strongest women I have ever known. Me and my sister were asked continually how my mom was taking everything that she was going through. Our answer was always, She has the best attitude I have ever seen! Because she truly did. We both agreed that we weren't sure we could have kept the kind of attitude that she did through this whole thing. So now that she is done with almost all her surgeries and treatments, overall this past year has brought a lot of new challenges but it has also brought a lot of strength to our family. I know that God had a purpose for bringing this into our lives and I know that he will continue to use my mom to encourage other women around her that are going through what she has gone through. I thank God every day for giving me another day, month or year with my mom. I realize now more than ever how much I took her for granted. I pray that God would give her strength as another year lies ahead of her. Mom, I love you with all of my heart! Here are a few pictures from over the past year.


Starrs In Denver said...

Heather, reading this brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful way of honoring your mama! I love the pics...looking forward to seeing you guys this summer :)

Cortney Salagi said...

That's awesome, Heather! Your mom is really cool, and totally encouraging.

Anonymous said...

Thanks HEather for all your sweet comments! Yeah, next time you visit, we'll get those beads out for lots of fun! If you have time, feel free to give us a call and stop by before you go back to ca...I pray you all do well in the race and finish! Wish I was there with you...time to start excercising again!

Tom said...

I didn't know that about your mom... She was so cheerful, just like always, last time I saw her. We'll be praying for you guys.