Friday, September 22, 2006

The changing of seasons.

Although I live in sunny southern California, I myself would like to think that we have season changes. However I have also come to the realization that we really usually only have 2 seasons. Stinkin' hot and then we have kinda cold with some rain. Don't get me wrong, I love the hot weather and swimming and spending time at the beach and I also love the cold weather, and rain. Having to use umbrella's and dodging puddles. But, leave it to me to absolutely love the only season that we don't really get here in southern California: Fall. I love the feel of the air, that crisp, clean, fresh air. And I absolutley love wearing sweaters! I remember living in Washington for a few months in Jr High and we would go into Spokane and into the border if Idaho and all the trees that lined the streets would be changing colors. It was amazing to see God's creation and how it changes from month to month. God is an amazing God! All that to say, that today when I woke up I looked outside and it was cloudy and overcast. And it reminded me of fall weather. Who knows maybe today will be the only day that we get that is remotely close to fall! But I will surely enjoy it while I can.

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