Monday, September 11, 2006

oh the joys of the fair.

So yesterday I had the joy of going to the fair in LA with Bryan Thrane and his family. I had never been to the fair before so there was oh so much to see and do. When we first got there it was a wee bit warm so we decided to head for the indoor shopping area. Which was perfect because it was nice and cool in there. In one of the buildings there was a ice skating rink! It was so cool. Then we headed over to the baby animal barn. Seeing the little piglets and baby lambs was so much fun, they were so tiny and cute.

Then Bryan told me that you cannot go to the fair and not try a deep fried snickers or deep fried twinkie. For those of you have never seen or tried this amazing creation it looks like a corn dog with powdered sugar on it, but way better tasting then a corndog. It's crazy sweet though. But I would reccomend to anyone that ever goes to the fair to try one because the truth is, you can't say that you have been to the fair and had a true fair experiance unless you have tried one of these. Don't you ever wonder who it was that thought of deep frying a twinkie or snickers?

We also went on a few rides, which was fun but kinda scary all at the same time. Not scary because they were too fast or went up to high. But more because it's never a good feeling when your about 3 stories in the air hanging upside down to hear the ride that you're on creaking and making noises. Just not real re-assuring. But as you can tell I made it off alive!

Then at night we went to a Montgomery Gentry concert. Which was also fun and very entertaining. I don't really know how to put it any other way besides very entertaining!

So that was my first fair experiance. I would have to say, it was a lot of fun. And would definitly go to the fair again. Just remember about that deep fried snickers!

1 comment:

Cortney Salagi said...

I'm glad you had a great time! It does sound fun. I've only been to the San Diego Fair, though, but that one's cool too.