Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Moral of this with your headlights on at night.

So yesterday I was supposed to work at Gap from 3-9:30. But I didn't know that so they called me and said "where are you." So I was out in Temecula with my mom and so she just dropped me off at work, thus leaving me with no car to get home. So my brother was gonna pick me up. So anyways, we just got a new car (2006 dodge durango) so he drove that to pick me up. Well were turning onto Winchester from the mall and all of a sudden we see those lovely red and blue lights flashing in the window. So my brother pulls over and Mr policeman gets out of his cruiser and shines that oh so wonderful flashlight in your face and very sternly asks for your license, registration and insurance. So me and Tony are franticlly searching for all this paperwork in this brand new car and we don't know where anything is. So we finally find it and Mr. Policeman is back at his car writing down all the info and me and Tony are left in the car trying to figure out exactly why he got pulled over. I mean Tony is Mr.rule follower. So then Mr. policman walks over to the window and says "Well, Anthony I just want you to know that you are getting a ticket because it is against the law to drive without your headlights on at night." We both just kinda gave out a lil chuckle because what kind of person drives at 9:30 at night without their headlights on? I've decided it could only be a stupid person that would be able to pull that one off. So I want this to go down on the record that the first time that Tony Schaffner was pulled over and his very first ticket was due to the fact that he was driving without his headlights on when it was dark.


Cortney Salagi said...

Haha! Poor Tony! I'll have to tease him about that at study on Sunday night. I have to admit, though, that I rather enjoy driving in total darkness at night. I can't see as well at night when there are light around me. I'll be sure to keep my headlights on after dark now, though.

Starrs In Denver said...

This story cracked me up. I can see Emma putting something like this about Owen on her blog someday! Hey, it's nice to know Tony isn't perfect! Looking forward to seeing you all in December.