Thursday, October 05, 2006

So after 5 years I finally did it!

So after 5 years of wanting to peirce my nose I finally did it on Monday! I went back and forth on weather or not to do it but I decided that since I had wanted to since I was 15 I was determined to do it. I went to three different places, the first one was a 2 hour wait the second one was closed on Mondays and the last one was called 1st ammendment tattoo( which is where I ended up going). I went in they made me sign something then stuck me in the chair and stuck these plier things up my nose and shoved a needle through it. OUCH! It did hurt a little bit not as much as I thought it would. But it's kinda funny because it just automaticlly makes your eye on whichever side your nose was pierced on start to pour down tears. It was fun, painful and the guys that worked there were very interesting. They told me that I was only allowed to clean it with hot water and soap and that there was to be no alcohol on my nose but that I could put as much as I wanted on my lips ( obviously I will not be taking the last part of that advice.) anyways, all that to say that I do not regret doing it. You do get some interesting responses to it though. I think my favorite was "hey I think you have a shiny booger on your nose." I think it's really funny when people are rude about it though like this comment " i don't know why anyone would want to put a hole in their face like that." It's kind of fun hearing how people react to it though.


Cortney Salagi said...

That's so cool, Heather! I can't wait to see it on Sunday! Were your parents okay with it?

Starrs In Denver said...

Let's see a picture! I got my ear pierced at the tip-top when Hope was a baby in Catalina. I enjoyed it for ahwile, but ended up letting it close up. How fun! ~Rose

Anonymous said...

yay for heather! im glad you went through with it, sorry we couldnt come. i wanna see a picture though...

Heather said...

Ashley you really need to get off of myspace and start a blog.