Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I know a genius!

yeah that's right, I personally know a genius! I know you are all jealous, but hey what can I say. It's truly an amazing privelage. This genius is someone that I'm very close to, someone that I'm very proud of these past 4 years. He graduated from Biola this past week with every honor possible! He was inducted into the honors society Epsilon Kappa Epsilon, He graduated from Torrey Honors institute, He graduated from Biola Suma cam Lada (i think that's how you spell it) and he graduated with a double degree in History and intercultural studies! let me just tell you this kid is amazing! If I could only have half the brains he does I would be happy. No, I'm truly proud of him, he not only is a genius but he has a social life too, and loves his family and above all is the greatest brothers anyone could ask for. His name "Ryan Schaffner" My brother, boy genius!!!!! top that one somebody....

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