Thursday, June 01, 2006

passing away

Over the past few months my great grandpa's health has been slowly going in a downward spiral. He has lung cancer. Although I have only met this man once in my 19 years of being related to him, when you know someone could be gone at any moment it hits pretty hard. We went to visit him yesterday after we had received a call saying that he could pass away now at any moment. When we got there he was laying in a hospital bed in his living room,unconcious and gasping every 4 breaths for more air. You never want to see anyone like this. I think it really puts life into perspective, I don't know if he was saved or not (my guess is no.) as he is laying there he has a gold necklace that is an ace of spades. I look and think to myself, " what was this mans life goal? what was it that he lived for? what were his passions? what were his fears?" I wish I could have known this man better and share with him the love of Christ. So my plug to all who read this...stay in touch with your family, no matter what. Grampa passed away this morning around 9am. I pray for my Gramma that she would be comforted through this really rough time. She cried a lot yesterday saying " how do you deal with something like this? This man is my husband, my best freind and I have been with him for 65+ years?" Honestly I don't know how anyone could handle that. But through God's strength you can acheive the impossible.

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