Monday, August 21, 2006

dirt, dirt and some more dirt.

So as most of you know I live down a dirt road. And I had come to the conclusion many months ago that it is absolutley pointless to wash my car when I know for a fact that the moment I pull out of the driveway it is going to be dirty again. Although my family has decided that there is clean dirt (which is just dust on your car) and dirty dirt( which is when you leave in the morning and your car is wet and the dirt sticks to it) But recently I saw on the news this guy who does something amazing with dirty car windows! check this site out and you will no longer want to wash your car either.... enjoy!


Cortney Salagi said...

That's so cool! I don't see how that guy can do that; I can barely draw stick figures! Lol!

Anonymous said...

thats amazing. they actually really look like what he is drawing too like the mona lisa looks like it does in real life. he has way too much time on his hands i think but it entertains me so i dont mind. hes got my dream car too, just in a different color.

Starrs In Denver said...

What a great site! I love IS everywhere! I kinda wish we lived down a long dirt road so I could try my hand at it. Maybe I can try snow art on my van this winter! -Rose