Monday, August 14, 2006

interesting experiances....

So this past friday night I went to a Tyrone Wells concert. If you haven't heard of him, you simply have yet to actually live. Anyways....Me and Aubrey drove down a bit earlier then everyone else so that way we could get some din din and maybe just walk around for a bit. Well, first off, where we were at there was seriously like no food places. Unless of course you wanted some candle lit romantic dinner. Which would have been fine if I would have been with someone that I wanted a romantic dinner with. But me and Aubrey just wanted something quick. so we drive around for a good half hour get complelty off of the road we are supposed to be and finally spot a 7 eleven, domino's and a subway. So we decide "hey pizza sounds good. " so we go in and order a pizza to share. But then we have a problem. Drinks, Domino's only sells liters of soda and there is no way we could finish one of those. So we go next door to subway to order drinks. Well, this was truly a life changing experiance. The first thing you see when you walk in is glass around the counter. From the floor to ceiling then to get your food there is this little trap door that you have to open. i felt like I was in prison. seriously. So then we go get our pizza and realize domino's isn't a dien in restaraunt. So we go next door and ask if we can eat our pizza inside subway. There was one guy ( Robert, who is from michigan and just moved out here to go to the Paul Mitchell cosmotolegy school. We couldn't decide if he was gay or not.) we got to know pretty good. He was so funny, me and Aubrey almost peed our pants. So that was the start of our evening. Eating domino's inside subway. But Robert did give us free chocolate chip cookies. And we gave the last of our pizza to a homeless guy that got the biggest smile on his face!!! So then we drive over to the concert, and we can't find anywhere to park. It's all pretty much parallel parking and Aubrey has never done that in her life let alone in a stick shift. But finally we find a spot and park. walk another 10 minutes. needless to say that by the time we got there the concert was full and everyone that was supposed to get there after us was already there! But it was all worth it to hear Micah Delberhg, Annie Bethancourt and the all so famous Tyrone Wells ( no he is not black) It was truly amazing!!! And that was my little adventure of the weekend!


Unknown said...

dun dun dun...

i've found you.

be afraid.

be very afraid.

also, cool it on the exclamation points! They give me a headache when i try to read them out loud!

and, why didn't you tell me about this blog?

Heather said...

I'm very afraid, very, very afraid Ryan. I never told anybody about it besides Ashley because nodbody else wants to read about my boring life. But Ashley finds it entertaining so therefore I continue on in the world of blogging.

Anonymous said...

ok i for sure find it entertaining. thats hilarious. dominos in subway with robert who's maybe gay.glad you had fun. oh yeah and my mom told me i said ya'll when i was talking to her on the phone the other day. im going to deny it until i actually hear myself say it and then i might cry because that means im becoming one of these crazy OK people!!! AAHHH

Starrs In Denver said...

here you are blogging and you don't even tell your big brother (little big brother {not meaning that he's your little brother who is bigger than you, or your big brother who is littler than you just that he's your big brother but not your biggest brother} by the way, here big=older, ya know) that you are doing such a thing when you know that he is also a fellow blogger ans therefore you can't use the excuse, "well, i didn't think you liked stuff like this." anyway, ooooooohhhhhhhh, buuuuussssttteeedddd.
and ryan is right about the exclamation marks. i just woke the kids up because i was reading aloud to myself and was thrown off with all those blasted exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!! oh no, now i'm doing it. thanks a lot heather. real nice. i hope your happy.
by the way, good to find you on her or rather be found by you. oh, check out our entry entitled "red".