Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The things kids say

So on Sunday mornings I teach a Kindergarten class of about 10 kids. I have for the past 5 years and I absolutley love it! These kids are so amazing. The things that they say I think would have to be the best part though... Here are just a few things:

I had this one girl Alexandra in my class and she says to me " Teacher I'm almost the star of the day." I ask her "What does that mean?" "well, that means it's almost my birthday." "when is your birthday?" " it's right after thankspatricks day" what do you do on thankspatricks day?" "you wear red silly."

The next one was a little boy by the name of Garett. We had learned about jehosaphat the week before and I always try to kinda re-cap what we had learned the previous week because it is generally a theme for the whole month. Well, when I asked the kids if they remembered who we learned about the week before. Garett proudly raised his hand and said "Jubba Jubba Phat." Tell me that doesn't bring a smile to your face?

This one happened this week. We had these two boys in our class Corey and Ethan. They are cousins and so they know eachother pretty good. They both seriously look like little men. Anyways, They are both just standing there doing something and out of no where Ethan looks at Corey, becomes silent and simply says "Hey Corey do you think I'm handsome?" Corey then looks at Ethan and says "your not allowed to ask me that."

The last one is a boy by the name of Blake. We are sitting there coloring and all of a sudden he sticks his hand in his armpit and starts making loevely noises. So me and Shannon (the girl that I teach with) are asking him where he learned how to do that. He sits silently, we say did your brother show you? "no." did your dad show you? "no" well then who showed you? "My brother and dad don't even know how to do this, It was my mom who showed me."

All that to say there is never a dull moment when you hang out with 5 year olds. They bring such a different element to life in general...


Starrs In Denver said...

LOL! Kids are great! What funny little people they are. Thanks for the laugh. ~Rose

Anonymous said...

little kids are funny.

also, you don't have to leave my link as that ridiculously long paragraph. i was just messin.