Monday, January 29, 2007

Today was a good day!

So today I found out that I get to go to Tenessee with some friends...I'm way excited and I think it's gonna be a blast. I'm not going until the end of March but I'm really looking forward to it. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get the time off because I just started a new job and all but My boss had no problem with it, and the best part we get one of the days off as a paid holiday. So I'm really only taking 4 days off which I can still get paid for with vacation time!

The other thing that made it a great day (and fellow bloggers alike will find joy in this) that Ashley VandenRaadt (Russey) has joined the world of blogging! It's only taken her about a year to finally brave the world of blogging but i ask that you give her a warm welcome and check out her blog here

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