Monday, June 25, 2007

Things I have learned while on vacation

  1. I really miss having all my family near me.
  2. People from Colorado put honey on the crust of their pizza. ( it sits in a bottle like ketchup on the table)
  3. They have quite a few prarie dogs that I saw for the very first time in all of my 20 years of being alive.
  4. I really think that Colorado is a place that I could live ( I like the city more then the country though)
  5. I love Colorado rainstorms. They come in the afternoon and leave the air smelling like wet pavement, love that smell.
  6. Desi & Rose have thee cutest kids I know of. And I miss having friends at home with little ones to play with.
  7. Contrary to popular belief you can REALLY live without a cell phone for a week. I did it!
  8. Vacations are a must!!!
  9. Colorado has the largest dandelions that I have ever seen. Some the size of baseballs!
  10. My allergies hit me like a ton of bricks while being there. Between all that was blowing around in the air and riding in a car for 16 hours with a cat that I'm allergic to, I knew I was doomed
  11. As much as I had planned on doing at least half of my Chuck Tracks, I only got three of them done.
  12. No matter what, I will always pack more clothes then what is needed when I go.

Ryan (schaffner) has now decided that he would be funny and start reffering to Colorado as the "CO" I think it might catch on.


Starrs In Denver said...

Love the list Heather! Our kids just loved having the attention from you and the Wiley's. It was so special for us to spend time with you all! I'm excited that you think you could live here...we need ALL the Schaffners in one place!!!! I wish we had a little apartment off our house to rent to fun would that be? Maybe we'll come into a large sum of money, sell this house and by a big subdivided house where we can have a little co-housing situation where we share a big backyard and meals and games and oh what fun would that be!!!!

kolorado said...

Selling out huh Rose.
I remember when Kylander was in that story.
hurt in Thornton