Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Air Conditioning= A thing of the past no longer

For about the past 3 weeks we have had no air conditioning. Which is not all that fun during summer in Southern California. Now granted I think it could have been worse, My brother is in Tunisia with no air conditioning. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. However, the landlord called us at work yesterday and told us that he finally had a guy coming out to take a look at it. The ironic part is that the landlord is a guy who works at UCLA on air conditioning units, so we thought that it would be a quick fix. It wasn't, until yesterday. So anyways, the guy gets there takes a look at everything fixes what needs to be fixed and then bam the air works again!!!! thank goodness

The funny part was that the past couple of days have been overcast and gloomy so not that hot. of course that's how it works. it's hot= the air doesn't work then it cool= the air finally works.

So as my mom and I are driving home from work we call my dad who is at home. And we ask if the air conditioning man has left yet. he says yes and that the air is working great. My mom says " what temperature do you have the air set at?" he says 69 degrees. we both start laughing because it's probably all of 70-72 degrees outside and the air isn't really all that necessary. But he was enjoying it. So we get home expecting it to be warm when we walk in and much to our surprise it's freezing in there. Anyway, it's nice to have the luxury of air conditioning, and I was definitly taking it for granted. :)


Anonymous said...

i've got a good idea...you should blog more. I like hearing about home from you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Heather,

You're linked on the site now (www.kaleo.ws). No pressure, but we are expecting frequent and profound posts.


Anonymous said...

You write very well.

Anonymous said...

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