Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Time off from work but not really

So the next two days I will not have to work. Well, not work work. Like not in my cubicle sitting in front of a computer doing things that any normal purchasing agent would do. Instead I will be attending a conference that our school puts on each year at Pechanga. I will get to do fun things like sit in classes, sell school shirts, and best of all get a free room at Pechanga. Which is pretty sweet if you ask me.

Not only will I be enjoying things but I also have a feeling that there will be one night where I make a complete fool of myself. See, each dept has to either sing a song or do a skit or something that goes along with the theme of the conference, which is Hawaiian. I guess it's not too bad. It could be worse, they could have made me sing a solo, which would have been death not only for me but anyone that would have to listen to it. They also could have made me dance, which unless it's formal ballroom dancing I would have completely sucked at. (but I'm thinking Hawaiians aren't known for their ballroom dancing) No instead we have to sing ( I think around 10 of us total) a song that we have changed the lyrics but sing it to the tune of "Wish they all could be California girls" which may be fun minus the fact that I have to wear a grass skirt and play the ukulele.

Oh don't worry I'm sure there will be pictures. But until then. I'm off to enjoy my work away from work!


Anonymous said...

Cool!! Have fun learn'n and sell'n. Cudicle work probably as bad as u make it out to be.
I love Cortney more to the infinite power!!!

Cortney Salagi said...

Haha! Heather in a grass skirt! I'm sure it will be adorable, lol!

Anonymous said...

Yes Cortney I can just picture Heather in a grass skirt too, and it looks quite funny and "adorable". Also It is totally something I can see Heather do'n on a regular basis. Heh!?!

Anonymous said...

Yes Cortney I can just picture Heather in a grass skirt too, and it looks quite funny and "adorable". Also It is totally something I can see Heather do'n on a regular basis. Heh!?!

Unknown said...

I hear you looked great in a ukelele and grass skirt!